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The Master Lemon Cleanser

Frankie Best

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Get ready for a whole body detox that delivers pounds of unwanted waste-purging, inflammation-reducing, and health problem-eliminating results! It's hard to believe until you try the Master Cleanse yourself. The secret "lemonade diet" has helped thousands, and now as a Master Cleanse coach, I want to make it easier for you too. I've developed ways to make this cleanse a breeze, so join me today and discover tips not found in Stanley Burroughs' original Master Cleanse book! 🍋💪 #MasterCleanse #HealthyLiving #DetoxTips

There's also something else I'm excited to share with you…

After helping so many people complete the Master Cleanse, I've learned many of them don't do the Master Cleanse to detox their bodies...

People do the Master Cleanse to lose weight FAST - and it's a smart move! 🏃‍♀️👏

Even celebs use it when they need to drop a quick 10 or 20 lbs. But if weight loss is your goal, there are a few tweaks you should make to the cleanse. 😎

The biggest change is the amount of maple syrup you use - my modified cleanse designed specifically for weight loss makes the pounds disappear even faster! Let's do this! 💪😁 #MasterCleanse #WeightLossJourney

There's another cool reason people like to do to Master Cleanse…To look younger.

It's true; the traditional Master Cleanse can tighten up your skin and leave you glowing. But I've developed some exciting tricks that do an even better job of purifying your skin and helping your body repair the damage caused by aging.

  • The recipe for making the Master Cleanse lemonade

  • How rapid detoxing works

  • How internal waste harms your body

  • What you can expect when you do the Master Cleanse(

  • how it can improve your metabolism, sex drive, energy levels, mood, muscle building, fat-storing, aging, and much more

Is it okay to eat on the Master Cleanse?

Most people say no, but you can eat certain foods while staying away from other foods.

This probably sounds pretty great to most, but you should know something before we go any further...

Most People Don't Last 1 Day On The Master Cleanse.

You know what they say: "If it were easy, everyone would be doing it." And that certainly holds true for the Master Cleanse. But don't click away just yet, because I'm about to make it "doable" for you!

I've shared these tips with fellow cleanse enthusiasts who couldn't make it past day one, and they ended up breezing through the entire cleanse with ease. So trust me, these tips work.

First off, start your morning with some hot peppermint tea and a little grapefruit or orange to get you going. The first day can be tough, especially when you're used to a hearty breakfast and a caffeine boost to kickstart your day. But trust me, this combo will do wonders for you.

If you're still struggling, try Livin Lab' Garcinia Cambogia to help curb your appetite during the first 3 days. But keep in mind, this is a cleanse, so it's best to avoid supplements during these 10 days. If you do opt for a pre-cleanser to get your appetite in check, go for the caffeine-free Garcinia Cambogia. But if you're looking for a caffeine boost, the Thermogenic Fat Burner is the way to go (just don't use more than one per day!). And if you're looking for something a little milder, the Keto Diet Drops are another great option.

So don't be intimidated by the Master Cleanse! With a little bit of preparation and the right supplements, you can conquer it like a pro.

LUNCH: If the lemon drink is not enough, eat a vegetable or fruit salad (avoid heavy sugar fruit like bananas and melons) may be eaten. You may also enjoy a homemade vegetable soup or celery juice may be taken with a vegetable salad—a simple salad dressing of apple cider vinegar and 100% cold-pressed olive oil.

You won't find this information anyplace else. But before we get to that, let's take a closer look at how the Master Cleanse works and what it can do for you.

The Master Cleanse Recipe -How To Make The Lemonade

Here's the recipe for making the Master Cleanse lemonade:

  • 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice

  • 2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup

  • 1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

  • 10 oz of filtered water

TIP 1: If cayenne pepper is not something you can drink don't add it to this recipe. Instead, take it in capsule form with the lemon drink.

TIP 2: Reduce the amount of maple syrup to reduce weight faster. Feeling weak, increase the amount to stabilize yourself.

Large Patch The Lemon Cleanse Daily Recipe

  • 8 1/2 cups of distilled or purified spring water

  • 3/4 cup of Grade B or C maple syrup

  • 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice

  • 1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper













This 10-day cleanse should not be done if you are pregnant, or nursing. Also, you should not stop taking prescription medication. Do not start any kind of cleanse while you are ill. Avoid taking any vitamins during the 10 days of the Cleanse is best.


Before You Try The Master Cleanse, You Need To Know

  • How to prepare yourself before starting the cleanse.

  • What to do during the Master Cleanse to reduce side effects or avoid them altogether.

  • After the Master Cleanse keep the beautiful you worked so hard to earn this one's important!

When you know all the details, your Master Cleanse journey can become almost effortless.

If you don't know these things, the Master Cleanse can be a challenge.

Next, let's take a look at what the Master Cleanse can do for you...

The skin is the largest organ on the body that is visibly seen every day. It is responsible for producing vitamin D, the protection of vitamin B folates, and a host of other chemicals. Our skin is the body's first line of defense; protecting the body against pathogens, excessive water loss, insulation, temperature regulation, and sensation.

What is your appearance telling you? Is it the best it can be?

The next big question you have to ask yourself is "how do you look on the inside?" Because what can penetrate the skin will travel to and through the bloodstream to the liver and kidneys and what isn't efficiently discarded from the body has to end up somewhere. So it's important to help the body to detoxify by regularly cleansing the vital organs whose function is to clean the system. Changing habits and diets are great but you need to start from the inside out. The lemon cleanse is a great start to beautiful skin and healthy organs. By getting rid of a toxic build-up so the body can help itself do what it was naturally designed to do before all the toxic waste and preservatives were added to our food. The toxins that cannot be eliminated tend to linger and travel to the reproductive organs, where they damage the sperm and ova - even the DNA.

These toxins are found in the pesticides added to our garden, water, and air. Other lifestyle factors that are also damaging include; use of the oral contraceptive pills or hormonal therapy, use of medications and prescribed drugs, use of antibiotics, regular alcohol consumption, smoking or secondhand smoke, recreational drug use, traffic pollution, stressful lifestyle, caffeine drinks daily, excessive emotional stress, poor diet habits, eating takeaway food often, not enough intake of fresh vegetables and fruit daily, and eating deep-fried fatty foods.

Avoid tap water altogether. Place a filter on all your taps even for taking a shower. It is best if you can install a whole-house reverse-osmosis system. If you can't afford it or rent, adding a faucet filter is still better than without.

Remember you want to minimize the toxins because it is impossible to get anything pure and natural. GMO foods, pesticides, chlorine, fluoride, to the chem spraying of geoengineered toxins containing ethylene dibromide, aluminum oxide, barium salts, strontium, cadmium, and mercury into our air every day. Nothing really is "pure" anymore.

Why cleanse? Below is a list of some symptoms you may have due to a buildup of toxins.


  • Poor immunity (more than one cold or virus per year)

  • Hay fever and other allergy symptoms

  • Post-nasal drip chronic sore throat Headaches or migraines

  • Puffiness under or around the eyes and dark shadows under the eyes

  • Dry skin, pimples, or acne

  • Skin rashes such as eczema

  • Abdominal bloating

  • Poor digestion

  • Tiredness on waking Excess fatigue

  • Fluid retention in feet, legs, and/or hands (puffiness, stiffness)

  • Hormonal symptoms (PMS, menopausal,)

  • Chronic vaginal thrush or other irritations

  • Muscle aches or pains

  • Overreaction to situations

The Master Cleanse will benefit your body in the following ways;

Helps eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body.

  • It helps clean the kidneys.

  • It eliminates hardened fecal material that has accumulated in your colon and digestive tract.

  • Facilitate the healing and regeneration of the total body.

  • It helps purify the glands and cells in your body.

  • It helps eliminate unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles.

  • Helps build a healthy bloodstream.

  • It can relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels.

  • Make you feel more energized.

  • Improve the appearance of your skin.

  • Reduced internal inflammation, which will ease aching joints and chronic pain.

  • Naturally shift away from unhealthy habits -without willpower

  • Cleanse and detox your entire body -- pounds of waste that have built up over the years will be released by your body.

10 Days To A Fantastic New You

Once you start the Master Cleanse your body will begin a process of elimination and rejuvenation. The changes you'll experience happen fast -- so fast you're bound to get the WOW! response from the people you know.

Don't be surprised if a few people pull you aside to tell you how good you look or ask if you've had some "work done.

The Cleanse can be used at any time and is generally recommended to be used a few times a year. However, if 10 days is too long you may want to start with a 3 day cleanse.

The cleanse of unprocessed fresh juice:

Use any of the following;

apple, carrot, citrus, or grape.

Select one and only have it for the entire 3 days. Do not have them together or on alternating days.

This 3 day cleanse may be easier to start with rather than the full 10 day Lemon Cleanse. After completing your cleanse, you should give the body a 45-60 day rest period in between cleanses. Repeating a Cleanse a few times a year is a way to maintain the body’s vitality and keeping it working at optimum levels.

My doctor says I'm just lucky to have good genes. I say much of my health is due to diet and everyday lifestyle. The adage is "what you eat becomes a part of you". So treat yourself right and feed yourself right. The best time to do this cleanse is during the summer months as it has a cooling effect which may be challenging during the winter.

Until now people who suffer from weight problems have been told they are the way they are because they eat too much and don't exercise.

When you tell people that diet and exercise aren't working for you, everyone assumes you're secretly cheating - that you're lazy - or you just don't have the will to follow a diet.

This is not true. In some cases it's not about how much you are eating but what you are eating. Following a healthy diet like the lectin-free diet by Dr. Gundry has worked miracles for thousands. Be sure to check out our lectin- free post where you can find a list of foods to help guide your diet before and after this cleanse to help maintain your newly transformed body.

The toxic substances built up inside you are suppressing your body's natural ability to operate properly causing a slower metabolism so that no matter how little you eat you will always stay overweight. So start flushing these toxins out of your body you'll automatically start to lose weight. It's common to pass pounds of waste in just 10 days on the Master Cleanse, and not the normal kind of waste...It's often black as tar. The hardened phlegm and mucus comes out like long chunks of rubber. The waste comes out holding the shape of the inside of your intestine because it's been inside you for years. It's like finally taking a shower on the inside.

To help the detox process further try to avoid the foods and other useful tips here.

ALL CAN FOODS - Most are lined with Bisphenol A which is associated with birth defects, and breast cancer, prostate cancer, impaired fertility, polycystic ovarian disease, insulin resistance, and recurrent miscarriage.

PLASTIC - Avoid foods in plastic containers, pick glass whenever possible, never buy water in plastic bottles that sit in direct sunlight, do not keep in the trunk of your car, and never heat plastics as they release cancerous chemicals. (including saran wrap used by catering and buffet-style meals.

FOODS THAT CAUSE INFLAMMATION - alcohol, bread and pasta, flour, coffee, breakfast cereals, granola, corn, peas, potatoes, Commercialized pickles, rice, sugar, hard cheese.

OVER PROCESSED FOOD BOX AND FROZEN DINNER - This includes things like mac and cheese, pizza, pancakes, and waffles as they are filled with chemicals, food color (behavioral disorders in children).

BAD FATS - polyunsaturated fats and trans fats which are high in omega-6 fats: corn oil, safflower, sunflower, canola, peanut, and soybean oils. The trans isomers in modern hydrogenated fats are new to human physiology having too much of these oils can cause brain inflammation and abnormal brain function which can result in poor memory, confusion, cloudy thinking, and even abnormal behavior such as depression, suicidal thoughts, addictions, and even criminal behavior.

BAKED WHITE BREAD, MUFFINS, PIES, BAGELS ETC. - cheap GMO ingredients, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and trans fat oils.

PROCESSED CANDY AND CHOCOLATE BARS - refined sugars, artificial flavors, shellac, artificial color, preservatives, and bad hydrogenated oils. You can find raw food bars made of nuts, cocoa bean and fruit that has been dehydrated which is a better choice.

CHIPS, SNACKS - artificial flavors, color, preservatives, high sodium, and hydrogenated oils. baking, roasting, or frying all starchy food at "high temperatures" causes the sugars to combine with amino acids found in the food to transform into a concentrated carcinogen known as acrylamide. Deep-fried or high-temperature cooking of root vegetables, rice, or grains is not beneficial to your health.

HOT DOGS/COLD CUTS/BACON/HAM, FAST FOOD IN GENERAL - artificial flavors, color, preservatives, trans fats, and sodium nitrate (also called Sodium Nitrite); studies have shown that it reacts with the body’s digestive acids to form a cancer-causing agent called nitrosamines. To make this processed food the entire animal goes into a debone machine. Then they add ammonium hydroxide to kill the bacterial and then they add anhydrous ammonia for refrigeration purposes. This concoction goes on to become the main ingredient in many hot dogs, bologna, chicken nuggets, pepperoni, salami, jerky, etc.

ALL SOYA PRODUCTS - soy extracts. Soybeans, naturally, have one of the highest glutamate levels of any of the plant products. When you hydrolyze it, you release the glutamate, such as with the soy protein isolates. People who consumed the most soybean products had the greatest incidence of dementia and brain atrophy. They also have other brain toxins such as high levels of manganese and fluoride. Most soy is GMO and has the highest pesticide use. Soya contains isoflavones (Phytoestrogens), which also cause abnormal development in the brains of male babies. These phytoestrogens found in soya have adverse effects on reproduction. The younger you are the more susceptible it is to the action of estrogens. Please avoid feeding any infant soy-based products.

SODA DRINKS AND JUICES - refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, color, and preservatives (Sodium benzoate when mixed with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) forms benzene, a known carcinogen). This causes hives, asthma, and other allergic reactions in sensitive individuals and behavioral disorders in children. Many common apple and grape juice brands have been found to contain cancer-causing arsenic as well as traces

of lead. Arsenic exposure can increase your risk of developing cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

PROCESSED CHEESES - made of emulsifiers, typically sodium phosphate, potassium phosphate, tartrate, or citrate, chemical preservatives (calcium propionate, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, sulfites (sulfur dioxide, sodium bisulfite, potassium hydrogen sulfite, etc.), artificial colors/flavors, and trans-fats

Here's a great list of "Negative Calorie Foods" you can begin with to help you before you start the master cleanse.

A negative calorie food allows you to eat more and feel satisfied. Negative calorie foods are the amount of calories in the food equal to the same amount of calories your body uses to digest the food. Causing this negative calorie effect. Know that not all food will give you a negative calorie effect. These are also your cheat foods you can take during your master cleanse. Here is a list of fruits and vegetables that are negative calorie foods.

• Asparagus

• Beet

• Broccoli

• Green cabbage

• Carrots

• Cauliflower

• Celery root

• Celery

• Chicory

• Cucumber

• Dandelion

• Endive

• Garden Cress

• Garlic

• Apple

• Cranberries

• Grapefruit

• Lemon

• Mango

• Orange

• Pineapple

• Raspberries

• Strawberries

• Tangerine

• Onion

• Lettuce

• Papaya

• Radishes

• Spinach

• Turnip

I know the Master Cleanse works. It has helped me, it has helped thousand if not millions of other people, and I know it can help you too. It may be hard at first but it's only 10 days to make a positive change to better health. I've added a few cheats to make it easier to stick with it. Others have found detoxing the colon and liver easier with daily capsules for 30 days has made great improvements as well. If you are eating from the food to avoid list you might find it helpful to slowly start eliminating them one by one before starting the cleanse. During the actual cleanse you should only have the cleanse of the list of negative calorie food to help stick with the master cleanse. You could also do a liver or colon cleanse in a pill form that can also be beneficial. Nu U Supplements has both a liver cleanse and a colon cleanse in pill form. For best results drink water in the amount of half your body weight in ounces.

Try it, and you'll be amazed by how fantastic you feel... and how great you look!

Frankie Best

Master Cleanse Coach



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