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The Lectin Solution: Harnessing the Power of Lectin Blockers

Erin Dorsey

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Choosing healthier food options is key to keeping our bodies in check. Some folks reckon buying health shakes and supplements is a waste of dough, while others swear by it. But then, what even is "eating right" when our idea of a "healthy choice" is so confusing?

Our terms, doctors, and fitness friends have found that adding the right supplements to a wholefood diet can make a world of difference. Our bodies need nourishment and, according to Dr. Gundry, adding lectin-defying supplements to our diet can even give us a healthier shape -- fit as our younger selves, maybe!

"Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind that you have to convince."

Your body is not your foe, treat it with TLC.🤗

Start by feeding it with lectin-free, nutrient-rich food!🍎🍓🍇

Looking for faster results? Supplements can be the answer! Whether you crave a toned physique or a controlled appetite, they give you the extra push to stay the course. Exciting, isn't it?

Want help finding the right foods and supplements?🤔 Download the Lectin-Free List here! 📥 #BodyGoals #HealthyLiving #FitnessJourney

Treating your body as your enemy is only going to make it rebel against all your hard efforts even more. Think about what you can do to respect and feed your body more. Begin to fill your body with nutrient-rich lectin free foods. Download the Lectin Free List here. Using supplements can help you reach those goals faster. Whether you need help in curbing appetite or desire muscle tone and strength. Many have used BCAA (block chain amino acids) Energy to help build tone faster and keep them motivated
21 days to create a new habit

New You, New Habits

21 days to hardwire (or rewire) a habit? Recent studies say it takes 66 days. So, let's start with 21 and once you're grooving, keep on keepin' on! 💪🌟

Developing your new habit can be frustrating. While the logical side of your mind knows you should stick to a workout regimen to see results, the emotional side convinces you that skipping one more day won't hurt anything. This tug-of-war can be crippling. Instead, start with small changes and build your new habits slowly. If you fall off the wagon, it's okay. Climb back on.


How do lectins damage our bodies?

Lectins, also known as toxic chemical proteins, are found in many of our favorite foods, like gluten, which is a staple in many diets. They have a particular affinity for binding to sugars, which activate in a lot of our go-to comfort foods like pasta, potato, corn products, pizza, slices of bread, muffins, and more.

But, if you're feeling like they might not be doing wonders for your routine, there are ways to reduce your intake and find equally tasty alternatives! 😊🍝🍕🍪 #Lectins #HealthNutrition #ComfortFood

Did you know our digestion starts in the mouth and ends at the back exit, right? But what you may not know is that our colon and intestines have a thin lining, which can be susceptible to "Leaky Gut." Imagine a small hole letting fecal matter flow into the bloodstream - gross, right?

But wait, how does that happen? Our gut is designed to let tiny molecules of food through to the bloodstream, but some proteins called lectins can be like invaders that latch onto the lining and cause inflammation. This can lead to a protein called zonulin, which opens spaces between gut cells that shouldn't stay closed, allowing lectins, bacteria, and even fecal matter into the bloodstream. Ew.

Lectins also signal white blood cells to fight off inflammation, leading to stored fat in our bodies. That "healthy" organic muffin or "skinny popcorn" could be doing more harm than good!

So let's rethink what we eat and how we cook our food to ensure it's healthy for our bodies. After all, we're what we eat! 🥗🍓🍇🤤 #healthylifestyle #foodhabits #leakygut

High lectin Food to avoid
Best list of high lectin foods to avoid to help repair your gut.

Understanding the plant paradox better might inspire you, with easy-to-follow recipes for the whole family! The added benefit of getting your family involved makes achieving your goals much simpler. I believe in you.

Change is hard at the beginning. Like all new things, it takes some effort and desire to be better. Perhaps it may be easier to remove a few high-lectin foods you can say no to first. Then add more of the "No Thank You" list with time. You will reduce these foods and replace them with alternatives to set yourself on a healthier path of having more Energy, looking more youthful, and feeling happier.

Diet supplements can help with food cravings:

· Livin Lab Keto Diet Drops

A 20-day colon detox may assist with resetting your digestive system. Feeding the body with a Pre-workout Boost packed with vital vitamins can help build strength and tone the body during your workout. Supplementing with a lectin-free diet does help reach your body shape goals much faster. Give it a try for 30 days, and I promise you will see a difference.

Other supplements will aid in getting your body on the right track or repairing damage already done.


Glucosamine binds to inflammatory lectins and reduces pain.

D-mannose is an effective lectin blocker taking 1000 mg a day is recommended.



Zinc, 30 mg

Selenium, 150 mg

Bitter Melon

Turmeric Extract, 200 mg twice a day


Resveratrol (found in red wine but also available in capsule form)

Grade Seed Extract, 100 mg

Pine Tree Bark Extract, 25-100 mg

Red Superfoods


Probiotic helps restore your gut's good bacteria

Psyllium Husks, start with a teaspoon of water and build up to a tablespoon per day

Inulin Powder, a teaspoon per day


B Vitamins, 1000-5000 mcg per day


Vitamin D, take at least 5000 IUs daily

These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your family physician if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medication before embarking on any diet regime and/or adding supplements to your daily routine.

lectin free food list
The best list of lectin-free food to help repair your gut

Awesome Books To Crush Your Habits

In "The Longevity Paradox," Dr. Gundry unveils a groundbreaking approach to aging well. Through his extensive work with patients, he discovered that the diseases we fear as we age are not simply a result of getting older. Instead, they stem from our lifestyle choices over the years. The key lies in supporting our gut microbiome—the bacteria that make up our microbiome—to optimize our health as we age. Our gut bugs have a profound impact on our well-being, influencing everything from cancer and Alzheimer's to arthritis and even our weight and skin appearance. The good news is, it's never too late to give these microbes what they need to thrive and support our overall health. In "The Longevity Paradox," Dr. Gundry presents a nutrition and lifestyle plan to nurture our gut health and defy the effects of aging. This book provides a fresh perspective on the science of aging, offering an actionable plan to prevent and reverse disease. Dr. Gundry's simple hacks will help you look and feel younger and more vital. Embrace "The Longevity Paradox" to take charge of your health, support your gut microbiome, and unlock the secrets to living a longer, healthier life

The Energy Paradox [Hardcover], Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet Plan Fresh Start, Plant-Based Cookbook For Beginners, The Plant Anomaly Paradox Diet 4 Books Collection Set:

The Energy Paradox [Hardcover]:

In his bestselling books, The Plant Paradox and The Longevity Paradox, Dr. Steven R. Gundry offered game-changing perspectives on our well-being. In The Energy Paradox, Dr. Gundry expands upon his previous discussions of the gut, microbiome, and mitochondrial health, linking immune malfunction to the mental and physical symptoms of fatigue—including exhaustion, brain fog, depression, anxiety, and low metabolism..

Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet Plan Fresh Start:

Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet Plan Fresh Start: Healing with delicious homemade food.

Plant Based Cookbook For Beginners:

Get your knives & forks at the ready for delicious plant-based recipes made with just 5 ingredients in 30 minutes or less! Take 5 main ingredients, add essential store cupboard ingredients, like olive oil, balsamic vinegar and tomato puree, and hey presto!

The Plant Anomaly Paradox Diet:

Lectin-Free Recipes To Help Heal Your Gut, Lose Weight & Reduce Inflammation. We spend much of our time learning about the foods we should be eating; the nutrition they contain, whether they have superfood status, and how they will help us be as healthy as we can be.


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